Would you mind doing my Hackerspace related survey?


Would you please consider having a go at my 6 question survey (with 2 optional questions at the end for contact info). It’s about Hackerspaces.



Dominic Morrow
Nottingham Hackspace etc

Hey Dominic,

Have filled in, would be interested to know what the results of the survey are :slight_smile:

Regarding what hackspaces mean to people I did some research into this for my masters last year, my dissertation’s here if you’re interested: http://freakatoms.co.uk/files/O’Sullivan_E_-_The_State_of_the_Field_of_the_UK_Maker_Movement.pdf


Oh brilliant thank you I’ll have a good look at that. I think it’s an
interesting topic. I’m not 100% sure how I’ll be sharing the results.

Dominic Morrow.