Hackspace Insurance

@Killa and I had a productive meeting with Export&General last week, meeting face to face for the first time in over 18months of discussion! John Mitchell (our key contact) was joined by Chris Varley (proprietor of E&G), both very much showing their commitment to continuing to support hackspaces and the foundation.

Overall objective for the meeting: get comfortable with new insurance offering; discuss further options for the future.

Rough agenda:

  1. Review new insurance offering, clarify any remaining concerns/gaps
  2. Review Lauren’s FAQ doc – agree steps to publish
  3. Align on how best to offer/scale up the package to UK hackspaces via the foundation
  4. Align on how to keep tabs on uptake/service/issues
  5. Frame up options for the future (e.g. umbrella cover)

Headlines from each discussion:

  • New policy has been available since end July and is not expected to undergo any pricing changes within the next 6-9 months. There is due to a further rise in insurance tax next year - date TBC.
  • Policy is notionally shared with Mens Sheds (who have piggy backed on the scheme we established over the last 12 months), and supported by the same underwriter/fund.
  • Further policy clarification is to be worked on by E&G over next few weeks, aiming to publish by Oct (i.e. layman interpretations of policy cover)
  • Agreed FAQ document and supporting checklists will complement the policy and provide additional guidance for how hackspaces can maintain compliance (e.g. H&S implementation)
  • to be worked on over next few months to get ready to publish by new year - intent is to move to a shared space whilst work continues
  • Covered by other discussion points
  • E&G to meet with us quarterly to review uptake, issues and any claims - the “us” will need revising, but @Killa and myself will play that role until the foundation can take over “officially”
  • Currently ~20 members of the scheme, no claims to date
  • Clarified a claim from any hackspace would in principle affect the risk profile and thus future premiums for everyone. However, this effect is softened the more spaces are members of the scheme.
  • Agreed to work-up a proposal where members of the foundation would get a discount to the scheme (possibly in the form of free legal cover), as part of a “starter package” - initial thoughts were to combine £2mm public liability, £2k contents insurance and legal cover for approx £100 premium. Larger spaces could scale up from there by selecting additional cover.
  • Aim to share aligned proposal by Oct

Please raise clarifying questions here, otherwise will share a further update in October. @Killa please add anything I’ve forgotten! :slight_smile:


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